힘들게 끝낸 첫 번째 발표, 아이스 브레이커를 뒤로하고 두 번째 스피치 준비에 들어갔습니다. 두 번째 스피치의 목표는 Organize your speech입니다.
Project 2: Organize your speech
목표: 청중들이 쉽게 따라올 수 있고, 잘 이해할 수 있도록 적절한 구성을 만들기, 말하고자 하는바를 명확하게 하기, 인상깊은 도입부와 마무리를 만들기, 하나에서 다른 하나의 단락으로 넘어갈 때 적절하게 넘어가기. 5-7분.
오늘 발표는 제가 제일 좋아하는 영화 중에 하나인 뷰티풀 마인드(A Beautiful Mind)에 대한 소개를 하고, 실제의 존 내쉬의 삶에 대해서 설명을 해주었습니다. 반응은 좋았습니다. 한 인물에 관한 것이기도 하고, 영화에 관련된 이야기를 PPT가 아닌 프레지라는 요즘 새로운 발표자료를 이용해서 입체적으로 보여준게 효과가 있었던 것 같습니다.
오늘은 제 발표를 동영상으로 녹화해서 보았는데, 아주 엉망이더라구요 저의 모습이. 고칠 곳이 한 두 군데가 아니라는 생각이 들었습니다. 더 연습을 많이 해서 가야하겠습니다.
[발표 후 고칠 점]
Pause를 적절히 이용하자. 질문해 놓고 답을 생각할 시간을 주지 않았던 점을 고쳐야한다.
처음보다는 낫지만, 여전히 긴장하는 정도가 너무 높다. 긴장감을 조금 덜고 여유를 찾자.
자세를 바르게 하자. 조금 구부정한 모습이 보이는데, 똑바로 서서 가슴을 펴고 말을 하자.
아래 발표자료는 프레지(Prezi)로 만든 발표자료입니다.
Good morning fellow Toastmasters.
Today, I’. going to talk about the story of a genius man. Actually, this is one of my favorate movies based of the genius man’s real life. I will give you hints about this guy.
He is a nobel prize winner in economic sciences. He is a pioneer in game theory, especially non-cooperative game. But, he suffered from a mental illness called paranoid schizophrenia, which makes him see hallucinations and dilusions.
Can you guess what this movie is and who he is? This is the movie titled “A Beautiful Mind.” This man is nether gladiator nor inspector Javert. Rusell crow acted the genius man who I talk about today.
In fact, the storyline of this movie is very simple. A genius man is admitted to the graduate school. He publish a great research paper about game theory, become a professor at a young age, get married, do some secret assignments for the U.S. government to decrypt Soviet messages with a government agent, but a mental illness suddenly comes out. Because of the illness, he can see hallucinations and delusions. His wife suffered from his mental illness, but she never give up and helps him face and overcome the illness.
In this movie, this guy is a genius man’s former roomate before marriage, she is the roomate’s niece, and this man is the government agent of the U.S. That genius man has talked with these people through his life. At a moment, he notice that this little girl never gets old! So, he realizes that they are all hallucinations. Then, he admit his mental illness and try to overcome the illness with his wife. Finally, after he overcomes his fear and his mental illness, he is awarded Nobel Prize in Economic Science.
It’s a classic happy ending story!
This movie was released in 2001 and get 4 Academy Awards. As mentioned before, this movie is a biographical drama film based on his real life.
Then, who is this man? That is John Nash. Let me talk more about John Nash’s real life.
So, who is John Nash? Nash was born on 13 June 1928, in Bluefield, West Virginia. His father was an electrical engineer and his mother was a school teacher. With a full scholarship, he attended Carnegie Institute of Technology (which is now Carnegie Mellon University). He initially majored in Chemical Engineering, but he first switched to Chemistry, and eventually to Mathematics.
He was just 19 when he graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degree in mathematics. After that, he was first accepted to Harvard, but the chairman of the mathematics department of Princeton convinced John with a fellowship. Funny thing is, another reason why John decided to go to Princeton is that it is closer to his home than Harvard.
Nash’s advisor professor at Carnegie Mellon wrote his recommendation letter consisting of just one sentence. “This man is a genius.”
John had some ideas in physics and mathematics. John meets and discusses with Einstein not long after he arrived in Princeton and told him about gravity. After explaining complicated mathematics to Einstein for about an hour, Einstein treated John very kindly, but told him to go away and learn more physics. Apparently the physicist - Einstein publishes a similar idea a few years later.
John Nash published a paper about non-cooperative game theory and earned his doctorate. This paper John wrote when he was just 21 makes him a Nobel Prize winner in economic sciences after 45 years. Nash received Nobel prize shared with two others in 1994.
Now? He is 84 years old and a professor at Princeton.
Then, what happened to him for 45 years?
That’s just the story of this movie.
Let me introduce the well known problem in the non-cooperative game theory, that is, prisoners’ dilemma. Here, regardless of what the other decides, each prisoner gets a higher pay-off by betraying the other. For example, no matter what prisoner B choosees, Prisoner A have to betray rather than stay silent. So do prisoner B. Thus, they both serve 2 years. It seems not to be rational to the third person outside the game, but it is because the prisoners cannot cooperative. This means that Nash reputes the traditional Adam Smith’s argument “free market is optimal for economy.” Instead, Nash argued that cooperation by government is necessary for economy. For this contribution to the economic sciences, he was awarded the Nobel Prize after overcoming his mental illness.
Before finishing my talk, I’d like to share my most favorite scene in the film. This man is sent by the Nobel Prize committee to check whether Nash is stable enough to award the prize or not. He is interviewing Nash at the Princeton faculty lounge. This is a moment where Nash is honored by Princeton faculty by lying their pens in front of him. Sorry for spoiling your moving moment, such ceremony turns out to be a fiction. Of course, many parts of this movie are fictions. However, it’s true that he is a genius, achieved a remarkable accomplishment in mathematics and economics, suffered from a mental illness, and finally overcame his illness and his fear, and had the Nobel prize.