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이번 발표는 시각자료를 활용하는 미션입니다. 그래서 제가 새로 만든 우리 클럽 홈페이지에 대한 사용법을 안내해주기로 했어요.
우리 클럽은 원래 홈페이지를 구글 페이지를 사용해왔습니다. 크게 불편한 것은 없었지만, 그렇다고 이쁘거나 편하지도 않았죠. 마침 토스트마스터즈 본부에서 제공하는 클럽 홈페이지 만드는 툴인 ToastHost 2.0을 알게 되어서 이것을 이용해서 클럽 홈페이지를 새로 만들어봤습니다. 회원들을 관리하거나, 스케줄 관리, 토스트마스터즈 관련 홍보하기에 조금 더 편리하게 되어 있었고, 만들기도 쉽습니다.
이전 홈페이지와 비교해서 어떤 점이 나아졌는가, 새 홈페이지를 어떻게 로그인할 수 있는가 등등을 알려주고, 실제로 제가 홈페이지를 사용하는 화면을 녹화해서 보여주었습니다. 클럽 멤버들과 관련이 있는 주제인 만큼 다들 관심 있게 지켜보더라구요. 게다가 새로운 홈페이지가 지난 번 것보다 이쁘니까 좋아했구요 ㅎㅎ
아래는 발표 슬라이드 장면을 녹화한 것입니다. 슬라이드에 동영상을 넣었어서 이렇게 올리는게 나을 것 같네요.
So far, this has been our webpage that you might be familiar with.
You’ve checked upcoming and past agendas, and scheduled for the next month.
We also can get some information and pictures of us.
Today what I’m going to sell is just, our whole new website.
The present website consists of two kinds of things, 1) platform of the site, and 2) the contents.
The platform means how the webpage is constructed.
Ours was made by the tool, which is provided by Google.
Managing this website is not that difficult.
Also generally, this website is not bad.
It already has what we need.
Then, why do we need a new one?
First, ours has difficulty in keeping members’ privacy.
The website has already “Members only” menu.
But, that is not really “members only.”
It just says to people, “please don’t touch these, because it’s only for members.”
We wanted to be seen as more professional and more official club.
Here, it’s not that I’m trying to change whole contents too. I’m just changing the platform, which is the surface of our website.
So, I has changed the platform from google site tools to another called Free Toast Host, which is a website construction tool provided by TM international headquater for each toastmasters club.
It’s even easier to manage the website, looks more official, and offers much more functions including privacy setting.
Here’s members only, is real members only.
Unless webmaster approve the members, no one can sign up.
Unless someone log in, he or she can’t click these menus, which has agenda history, availability for next month, membership progress, and photo.
This tool called Free Toast Hoast is now version 2.
When we manage our website, find some bugs on site or we have non-existing functions that we need, we can discuss those issues with others in the forums and make reports about bug to them.
Many Toastmasters clubs are now using this Free Toast Host system to make and manage their websites.
As you can see, these clubs in Lafayette area adopt this website system.
Now, you are seeing how to use our new website.
Before you log in, it is not available to click the member only menus.
This is how to log in.
Once you input your email or name, you can choose your name tag.
(If you don’t mind) Make your profile public to share the experience in TM.
Set a goal and keep tracking your membership progress to achieve the goal!